One day I watched a foreigner being interviewed by a television news reporter while exiting customs in CKS Airport; she said she couldn’t find any tourism information about Taiwan in all of the traveling agencies in her country. That’s when I came up with the idea of doing this podcast, I like to introduce this interesting island, especially from a foreigner's perspective.
我看到一則電視新聞,一位外籍旅客在中正機場的出境大廳接受訪問,她說在她的國家裡,完全找不到任何台灣觀光團的行程或資訊,使我開始有了製作"What's up in Taiwan"的想法。
▶️ Download this intro
Good to see there are bloggers willing to take the time and energy to go out and hike around to sniff out Taiwan's travel destinations! If you're open for suggestion for places to cover, I've got a history-focused travelogue posted on my blog that was written by a friend that might give you ideas:
Best of luck!
Thank you for your suggestion, your blog is very interesting and I’m glad you share that with me. I will include your idea in my program and make it better with all the resources I got. I saw some of the wedding photos in your .Mac homepage; do you live in Taiwan currently? If so, maybe we can have you in our show sometime!
Found your Podcast accidentally the other day, and I have to say that you guys have done a great job. I'm Taiwanese; have been travelling around, but right now I am working in the States. I always like to talk about Taiwan to people when they ask me about my country or when they are interested; so I adore your work. This is really great! Bravo!!
Keep up the great work..
Hi guys,
I'm a Taiwanese who now lives in San Francisco. Since moving out here I've been feeling that I'm always "home" and "away from home". Your show is great in bring Taiwan back into my daily life here.
Love your show and will continue listening. Thank you for this great podcast!
Dear all,
I just wanted to say that my wife (who is Taiwanese) and I (who lived in Taiwan for two years) both really enjoy the show. We now live in Korea, so it is nice to be reminded of home. We also recommended it to a friend who will move to Taiwan as a good introduction to the island.
Keep up the good work and thank you.
-Aaron and Vivien Schlafly
it's a awesome blog. I enjoy your show quite much. I've tried hard to introduce Taiwan to my American classmate since finishing my study in UCSD. But I just can't get one as good as yours. Good job, dude.
Your interviews are out of this world!! Thank you so much for sharing so much about Taiwan. I have lived in Japan for about 8 years, and recently have taken an interest in Chinese language, and Taiwan...
I hope things over there don't get too out of hand, can't wait to visit...
I really Love it! especial WuiT #003: Fr. Jerry Martinson, S.J. keep going Tell us more about this beautiful island ........Taiwan
This is a great show!
I just found this podcast several days ago. I like it a LOT. There are some interesting stories that happened in Taiwan. It's a good reference for foreigners who are going to visit Taiwan. It's also a good English learning resource for students. Keep up the good work! :)
good intro to taiwan..
Great introduction to Taiwan from a foreigners' perspective.
Nicely done!
Great introduction to Taiwanese culture from a foreigner's perspective. The interviews are great and the background noise adds very good ambience. Refreshing change from the typical podcast format.
很棒的Podcast, 已經向Global Voices Wiki (Bridge Blog Index)登錄http://cyber.law.harvard.edu:8080/globalvoices/wiki/index.php/Taiwan#English_Only請原諒未事先徵求同意
雖然這是介紹台灣給外國朋友的 podcast,但是我這個本國人也好喜歡呀。
Hi, 我非常喜歡你的節目喔…是一個很好訓練聽力的工具。非常感謝你,而且我也推薦給很多我國外的朋友…one of my friend, 從倫敦來,有很多討文章討論台灣,希望您有空也可以訪問他。他正在渡假,大約2/3 才回來。請連絡他…謝謝…他的blog: http://www.suitcasing.com
tks a lot.
I just discovered your podcast the other day (when I discovered podcasts). I have a similar background as you (immigrated to US at 10) and I find your podcast very interesting and entertaining! The only thing is that it always feels too short! You have people w/ very interesting backgrounds on your show and there doesn't ever seem quite enough time was spent on talking to them.
anyways, keep up the good work.
Hi! Julian, my English friend Mr Ed Merchant is coming to Taiwan for a week (13 to 21 of April). He is a retired social worker and now is a part-time tutor in Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge UK. This will be his third trip in Taiwan. He has been to Kaohsiung, Hwalien, Alishan, Kenting, and Keelung. I think it may be interesting to interview him sometime during his stay in Taipei. If you would like to interview him, please contact me (myt22@cam.ac.uk) or him directly (e.merchant@btinternet.com)Best regardsMing
Great show
A brief and humorous weakly podcast offers highlights of Taiwan and a peak into the interviewees' life and view points in and about Taiwan. This is a wonderful podcast to tune into and its getting better and better each episode. You get to know about Taiwan first-hand and the interviews are the most charming feature of this podcast. I loved it!
A Great, Informal but Informative Approach to Taiwan.
As the husband of a Taiwanese woman and a visitor to Taiwan, I must say that this Podcast is a great way to learn more about Taiwan and the Taiwanese. The hosts are witty, friendly and fun to listen to, and really open up what Taiwan is, and what the culture has to offer to travelers interested in Asia, as well as to "armchair travelers".
Hi,Julian你好!我是子彤。偶然間幾位中蘋果毒的朋友分享了What's up in Taiwan,聽完也瀏覽完所有節目與分享後(不只一遍聽完後真的覺得一集比一集進步喔,特別喜歡Henry非常悅耳的聲調與溫暖幽默的口吻,和電視節目瀨上岡in台灣的主持人一樣總令人期待著下一集的驚喜,請幫我向他致意)。因為你的Podcast喚起自己多年前在紐約的國際人權法交換學生歲月,也帶著滿腔的熱情在演說課堂上卯起來行銷台灣的時光..也想起在曾在台北街頭偶會看到的感人橋段..一位年輕的日本青年,努力地在公車專用道上比對手上的地圖(英文)與公車站名(中文),而我正在因不諳日文而嘗試用他能理解的英文為他解說而苦惱時,恰巧三三兩兩的阿公阿嬤們(一副登山踏青模樣)聽到我們的對話就圍了上來,其中兩三位阿公就開始用極流利日文非常熱情地報路,最後他們要這位年輕人跟著他們上公車會指引他到目的地..謝謝你為台灣增添了香氣與色彩,讓台灣成為如此可口的商品。會一起努力讓台灣能更發光發亮!
PS:我未先經徵求你的同意將what's up in Taiwan納入我的blog中,sorry!
Great podcasts! I just got back from my 40-something-th trip to Taiwan since I studied there in 1970, and found your podcasts and blog while preparing for the trip (since I wanted to see what's up other than what's in the newspapers). I listen to the podcasts while walking to work; they should really warm up the Alaska winter :-)
Hi Julian, Henry and the rest of the production crew,
很感謝你們用這樣多愛台灣的熱情製作這樣的節目. 我住在國外很多年, 現在住在美國西岸很鄉下的地方. 自認為是台灣人的我常常對美國人對台灣的零認知感到難過, 尤其是美國媒體常常搞不清楚台灣和中國, 書店裡也都沒有台灣的旅遊書, 像台灣這樣棒的地方, 是應該有更多人去欣賞的. Anyways, you guys are doing a wonderful job w/ the podcast. 請加油!
Thanks guys for the wonderful website.
I really appreciate all the efforts put into creating such wonderful podcasts~
wish everyone good luck in 2007!!
Thanks for all the hard work on the program. We listen to it here in Minnesota to help keep the homesickness at bay.
Take a trip up to Keelung and get some Xiao Chi for us! I miss the Miao Kou! Too bad there is no way to have it mailed to us.
Good job with the Podcast! I like how you encourage your interviewees to be honest. Keep up the good work.
Wonderful job guys. I haven't been back there for 14 years. After listening to your show, I think it's time to take the wife and kids back.
nice job
ı m mary
evden eve nakliyat
Haven't heard any new podcasts recently - you guys on summer vacation already? :)
Hey Henry and Julian,
You have accomplished so much! And not for pay, but out of your hearts. I've listened now to all episodes. Fantastic job! Don't give up!
How about continuing the podcast in video? That can really show the natural and cultural beauty of Taiwan.
Audio or video, keep the podcasts very brief -- that will attract more audience. None of us has a lot of time. It will also help you to lessen your production time. Video takes more time, but you can do something without lots of production, for example: GeekBrief.
Good luck and thanks so much for bringing Taiwan to the world!
Hi there,
Thank you for your effort. I'm truly glad that there are people like you who are willing to bring Taiwan back to the world.
I also want to let you know that I've posted the link to your site in my Blog. Please feel free to take a look at http://unwho.blogspot.com/2007/06/do-you-know-whats-up-in-taiwan.html.
Once again, thank you! Keep up with the good work!
I stumbled upon your blog by accident and was so impressed! I left Taiwan when I was very young and now I actually don't remember much about it....
Would you like to blogroll? I am writing a blog about China and get quite a good number of readers from around the globe. I already added your link to my blogroll list. Please don't forget to add mine to yours! Cheers!
i found thid podcastt recently, and I've listened all of them. it's very interesting! I love it so much! But i'm sad to find out that you've paused recording it. :(
thanks for you to produce such a good podcast, and 加油! I'm looking forward to see your next episode!
This is awesome!
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