
WuiT #023: Vivienne Chayovan

Filed Under: Labor Day, Girl Next Door, PengHu
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We met up with Vivienne at a local coffee shop close to her work, we gave her the address and she showed up right away. She said in the interview that she came here to study Chinese and she never had any problems getting around in , but she did have one complain though, the movie titles in the Chinese newspapers are mostly in the Chinese translation only, and sometimes has nothing to do with the original title of the film. For example, the official translation for “Pulp Fiction”(1994) in Chinese is “Black Color Chase Arrest Order”.

See Photos tagged with "PengHu" on flickr
More photos about PengHu by our listeners: Penguin and ufohead

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開始打電話給菲律賓、泰國、印尼等在台辦事處,得到的答案是,「你在街上看到外勞,就問他願不願意接受訪問就好啦!...街上外勞那麼多...」「昂?... 喔... 嗯... 你怎麼知道我慣用的手法,好厲害!」就這樣爐了對方了兩個月,有一天,換了一位黃小姐接電話,突然就給了我Vivienne的手機,說她的英文沒問題!於是,我們和Vivienne見了面。

Vivienne來台灣學中文,三年的時間已經完全可以用中文溝通,目前在台灣人開設的人力資源公司工作,負責泰勞的業務,我們請她介紹一下泰勞在這裡的工作情況,她用"there is a bad news about that..."輕輕帶過,我覺得她還是很謹慎小心;聊到生活、休閒的話題,她又立刻變得很大方,很像鄰家女孩,最喜歡的地方是澎湖。



Anonymous said...

My hometown is Penghu,and I feel so happy to read something about that paradise-like island. Have you ever been there? Though it's kind of difficult to communicate with local people there because not many people can use English fluently, it's still a sweet place to visit.
Welcome to my hometown, enjoy the sea and sea food. ^^

Anonymous said...

Thank you for inviting us, I've been to PengHu twice many years ago, rent a motorbike and had a good time there.

Henry said...

A reminder to all that it was JULIAN who neglected the South Eastern Asians that work here for a while, and it was also Julian that was low enough twisting other people's words during the editing process when poor HENRY is only doing this hosting work voluntarily for FREE. Some people think that they can play God just because they have a Power Book...