Filed Under: Christmas, Now and then

Father Jerry Martinson S. J. is one of the most recognizable faces of Taiwan. He has been servicing Taiwan for over 38 years. Father Jerry is currently the Vice President of Kuangchi Programs Services, the very first television studio on the island (since 1958). His contributions can be seen in almost all of the medias of Taiwan, which includes an English education show that is broadcasted in 56 countries. Regardless of being a local or a foreigner, Father Jerry is a highly respected and admired figure of Taiwan. It was a true honor for him to participate in our show.
丁松筠神父可以說是台灣最具知名度的外國朋友之一,他已經在台灣傳教了將近四十個年頭,目前擔任光啟社的副社長,該社創立於1958年,是台灣第一個電視攝影棚。丁神父來台時曾在輔仁大學哲學系執教,除了傳教,也擔任過許多英語教學節目的主持人(Uncle Jerry),他的節目已在58個國家播出。在聖誕節的前夕,他接受了我們的專訪,分享他的台灣經驗,除了可以感受到他的平易近人,也可以聽聽丁神父對台灣的看法。
Merry Christmas!
Thank you Father for your contributions all the years to Taiwanese people.
I didn't find your voice is so warm before.
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