Filed Under: Theater, Smells.

We did this interview with Daniel in a small theater located at the Di-Hwa market district, and it just so happens that Julian also acted in a play directed by the now world-renown filmmaker Tsai Ming-Liang exactly 20 years ago right in the same neighborhood. The will and determination of the small theater industry in still going strong in Taiwan, these people might look like amateurs now, but who knows? There could be a diamond in the rough…
這一集的訪客是來自北歐的劇場工作者Daniel Ingi Petursson先生,訪問的地點在民樂街的一個小劇場,過去是前臨界點劇團的演出場地,目前由塔莉劇團接手經營。當天我開車在找這個小劇場的所在位置,經過延平北路,突然想起20年前演出蔡明亮的【黑暗裡一扇打不開的門】,當時演出的地點是位於的甘谷街的一個實驗小劇場,也在大稻埕這個區域,時間過的真快!二十年轉眼就過去了。
Daniel Ingi Petursson先生目前擔任塔莉劇團的新劇【白納德之屋】的導演,該劇以英語演出。
We were listening to you program as we religiously do because we miss Taiwan. You wondered where "Break a leg" comes from. It comes from Shakespearian days when the front row of the stage was populated with what at the time were called "Groundlings". These were the "Common Folk" who would come to Shakespeare's plays for free. They were always mesmerized by the sex, violence, or hocus-pocus that would be in Shakespearian drama that their mouths would hang open. Legend has it that they would drool on the stage because of this and the actors would slip on the stage and subsequently... "Break a leg". Thus if the actor was good enough he would know by the groundlings' drool on the stage.
Keep up the good work. We love your show!
P.S. see you soon ;)
Damon from Philadelphia
Hey Damon,
thanks for been so informative, I guess I'm not as much of a "thespian" as I thought, thanks again for making me feel bad (j/k). Just out of curiosity, can you tell us why you are so educated in the world of theater? And we really apprciate your support of the show...
Keep listening, we will do our best not to let you down!
Show Host
Dear Henry,
Mei guan xi le! Sorry I only know the pink communist pinyin. The reason I know about the Shakespeare legend is because I was into theatre as a kid. The acting teachers always taught us that story.
We will keep listening. We miss Taiwan and no matter what you do you will never let us down. It is our way to go to Taiwan everyday.
Your Friend,
P.S. You should ask Vivienne out.
Hey Damon,
thanks again for your encouragements, and your little suggestion at the end...I'll keep it in mind.
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