
WuiT #040: Dieter Neumann (part 1)

Filed Under: Business Man, English.
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Mr. Dieter Neumann is the representative for the government of Hannover Germany in Taipei, and also the senior adviser of Hannover Pacific Corporation, which is responsible for some of the world's leading trade shows for information technology, telecommunications, software and services... such as CeBIT.

Mr. Neumann has been living in and out of for the last 30 years; he mentioned that when he first got here, Sung-Chiang Road wasn’t even paved. He feels that the growth of the Taiwanese economy comes from the hard work of the people, as well as our “sexual” relationship with money, interesting, huh?

We have been very anxious to meet one of the many foreign businessmen from the Taipei World Trade Center, and through the introduction of Michael Turton, we had the privilege of completing this interview. Thanks again to Michael for all of his help. Because it is such a rare opportunity to have a guest such as Mr. Neumann, we want to present the interview in its entirety as much as possible, part 1 will be posted this week.

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Dieter Neumann 先生是德國漢諾威市政府的駐台代表,同時也是漢諾威展覽會台灣辦事處 (Hannover Pacific Corp.) 的資深顧問,該公司承辦許多全球性的商展,其中包括全球最大的資訊通訊展 CeBIT , CeBIT 每年都是資訊通訊科技的趨勢指標,科技迷應該非常熟悉。

Dieter Neumann 先生陸陸續續往返或居住台灣已三十年。他剛到台北時,松江路還沒有鋪柏油,他覺得台灣的經濟成長,除了人民勤奮,還有華人視錢如『性』有關,很勁爆吧!

本節目覬覦台北世貿中心裡的外籍商務人士已有多時,終於在 Michael Turton 先生的介紹下,有機會能進入採訪,在此向 Michael 致謝!由於訪問得來不易,我們盡量保留完整播出,這個星期先播第一部份。

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